Club Constitution

  1. Name

    The name of the organisation shall be: Newhill Football Club.

  2. Objects
    1. The organisation is established to provide, maintain, and promote facilities and activities of a social, spiritual, educational, and recreational nature with the objective of improving the conditions of life for children and young people without distinction of sex, political, religious, or other opinion.
    2. In the furtherance of the above charitable objects, but not further or otherwise, the Project may:
      1. Provide, maintain, and equip premises, services, and facilities for social, spiritual, physical, health, educational, and recreational activities.
      2. Organise or assist in organising events and activities consistent with the objects of the Project.
      3. Co-operate with voluntary and statutory agencies and the inhabitants of the area of benefit to advance the said objects.
      4. Raise funds and invite or receive contributions from any person or persons by way of subscription, donation, or otherwise, provided that this does not involve permanent trading.
      5. Purchase, lease, or acquire any property and rights necessary for attaining the objects and maintain or alter any buildings required.
      6. Affiliate to the Down and Connor Football League and other organisations with similar charitable objectives.
      7. Do all other lawful things necessary for attaining the above objects.
  3. Area of Benefit

    The Project shall exist for the benefit of all children and young people in the Ballymurphy, Whiterock, Springhill, Westrock, Dermothill, Moyard, Newhill, and Springfield Road estates.

  4. Membership
    1. Individual membership is open to all persons aged 5 to 25 years living within the area of benefit who subscribe to the objects of the Centre.
  5. Subscribers
    1. All individual members shall pay subscriptions as determined by the Management Committee and receive a Membership Card entitling participation in the organisation’s projects.
  6. The Management Committee - General
    1. The day-to-day affairs of the Centre are controlled by the Management Committee.
    2. The Management Committee may appoint Sub-Committees with defined terms of reference.
    3. The Trustees shall appoint the Chairperson, while the Committee elects the Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary.
    4. The Chairperson may exclude certain members from meetings involving sensitive discussions.
  7. Membership of the Management Committee
    1. The Management Committee shall consist of:
      1. Four members of the Member's Committee elected according to the procedure.
      2. The Full-Time Worker employed by the Management Committee to manage the Project.
        1. The Worker in Charge shall not have voting rights.
        2. The Worker shall not attend meetings discussing disciplinary actions involving them.
  8. Functions of the Management Committee - General
    1. The functions include:
      1. Providing facilities for activities aligned with the Project’s aims.
      2. Offering an Information Service for members.
      3. Ensuring compliance with Health and Safety laws.
  9. Discipline
    1. Rules of Membership shall be drawn up and reviewed periodically.
    2. The Rules must clearly indicate offenses and corresponding sanctions.
    3. Workers in Charge may temporarily suspend members but require Committee decisions for longer suspensions.
  10. Committee Meetings
    1. Committees shall meet as needed, usually monthly.
    2. A quorum consists of no less than half the members.
    3. Motions require a simple majority to pass.
  11. Assets
    of the Organisation

    All property and assets of the Centre shall remain vested in the Trustees.

  12. Constitution

    The Constitution can only be altered by the Trustees and must not affect the Centre’s charitable status.

  13. Dissolution

    Upon dissolution, remaining property shall be transferred to a charitable institution with similar objectives.

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